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  • info@anatoliaec.com
  • 3rd Floor, Shahwaiz Center, F-8 Markaz, Islamabad


The “International Student Admission Examination” (TR-YÖS), which was launched by the Council of Higher Education to standardize student admission from abroad. Students willing to study at Turkish higher education institutions can take the 2023 TR-YÖS and use its results when applying to these institutions. The exam will facilitate the application process for candidates from different countries who want to apply to Turkish higher education institutions.

The exam will consist of 80 questions.
-The exam results will be valid for 2 years

-Announcement of exam results Candidates can find out their exam results by visiting the ÖSYM website, https://sonuc.osym.gov.tr , and using their ID/Y.U./TR-YÖS numbers and passwords. Results will not be sent to candidates. Candidates can find out more about the details of the exam from the International Student Admission Examination (TR-YÖS) Guide published by ÖSYM.

How to apply Click Here

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